ENEX – On The Move
ENEX has moved offices to a new building. The move has been triggered by the decision of RTL Group Luxembourg to build a new media complex called ‘RTL City’ adjacent to the previous offices. The move started on Tuesday 12th December and continued for three days. ENEX has been fully operational for the first time at the new premises on the morning of Thursday 15th December.
Partners didn’t notice any disruption to our service. The new office is more open-plan with better partner monitoring and will help communication with you all. The new building is a fully IP environment and 4k capable. There’ll be upgrades in some of our systems but hopefully no unforeseen surprises! We’ll continue to update you.
All of our contact numbers and e mails remained the same but our new address slightly changed to:
43, boulevard Pierre Frieden, L-1543, Luxembourg.